Wednesday, 13 April 2011

hCG Food � Allowed and Forbidden

It’s important that you know which foods are allowed and which are strictly forbidden (or not recommended) on the hCG weight loss plan. Some hCG food tends to be bland unless you spice it up with recommended seasonings, so it’s important that you know which to use to keep you interested in the diet plan.

Dr. A.T.W. Simeons was very specific when he outlined the hCG protocol. He found in his studies that certain foods worked to help the hCG hormone stimulate the hypothalamus gland -- and some were a detriment. You should also keep in mind that the hCG diet calls for a daily intake of 500 calories, therefore the hCG food you eat must be extremely low calorie.

The limited selection of hCG food might be difficult if you happen to have food allergies or are a vegetarian. There are some additional foods that can work with the hCG diet plan, and you can find information on the Internet about what has worked with other followers of Simeons’ plan.

The hCG diet protocol calls for protein sources such as lean meats, chicken breasts, specific seafood selections and eggs. Portion sizes are very important, so when selecting an hCG food source, be sure it coincides with Dr. Simeons’ portion recommendation. Eggs and fat-free cottage cheese are the best hCG food choice for vegetarians, even though it might result in slower weight loss.

Vegetables are an hCG food choice, but unlike most diet plans you shouldn’t mix them with other vegetables. You can choose from a wide selection of vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, celery, radishes and cucumbers – but some vegetables, such as broccoli, are not recommended and could actually inhibit weight loss.

An updated version of Simeons’ hCG weight loss plan includes peppers, mushrooms, alfalfa sprouts and green beans – and some allow you to mix various vegetables – but, remember that the original plan definitely tells you not to.

Fruit is another hCG food type that Simeons’ was very specific about what was allowed and which are forbidden. You can eat strawberries, oranges, apples and grapefruit, but Simeons recommends that you not substitute a tangerine for an orange (tangerines contain higher sugar count). You should eat fresh, not canned, dried or frozen fruits, but you can cook them for certain recipes.

You should drink an average of two liters of fluids per day and can choose from white teas, coffee, water and black and green teas. Caffeinated beverages are allowed, but caffeine-free drinks should make up more than half of the two liters you’re allowed.

Simeons found in his research that certain types and portions of food worked better with his weight loss plan. You’re eating hCG food in conjunction with taking the hCG hormone in injection, oral drops or pill form, and together they work to stimulate the metabolism and burn those unwanted fat calories.

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