Wednesday, 6 April 2011

hCG Phase 3 Sets Up Your Metabolic System

After Phase 1 and 2 of the hCG diet plan, Phase 3 seems relatively simple. You begin hCG Phase 3 on the day immediately following the last day of Phase 2. Phase 2 was the extremely restrictive part of the plan, where you took hCG injections or sublingual drops. Now, you’ll be allowed to eat any type of food you desire – and as much as you want. But, there are some exceptions.

Foods that are prohibited during hCG Phase 3 are:

· Sugar, honey, molasses, dextrose, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup or sweeteners. · Starches, including pastas, all wheat products, breads, potatoes, rice, yams, etc. · Artificial sweeteners · Fast foods · Foods containing nitrates · Cold drinks · Foods containing hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil and trans fats.

You should also avoid constant air-conditioning, florescent lights, drink lots of water, take a walk each day, eat organically grown grapefruit and apples, take a teaspoon of raw coconut oil two times per day, drink organic teas, eat a large breakfast and several snacks per day. Don’t go to bed until 3 to 4 hours after you’ve eaten your last meal and get plenty of sleep.

Staying calm and stress free is also an important part of hCG Phase 3. Take deep Yoga-style breaths several times per day and meditate if you can. Avoid television and listen to calming music. You may want to take vitamin supplements during this phase.

Be sure to weigh yourself every morning after urinating. This is an important part of charting your weight loss and discovering if what you’re doing each day is working positively toward your ultimate goals.

Your weight should begin to stabilize during hCG Phase 3, and your metabolism will adjust itself so that it keeps burning unwanted fat calories. Your weight should remain within two pounds of the weight you registered on the last day you gave yourself an hCG injection or took the sublingual oral drops (during Phase 2).

If the scale suddenly shows that you’ve gained two pounds, you should fast until 6:00 pm that day. During that time, you’ll drink as much water as you can – one gallon at the most and half a gallon at the least. You may also drink some of the recommended hCG teas, using stevia to sweeten it. At the end of the day, you can have an organic grass fed beef steak and a large tomato or apple.

After completing hCG Phase 3 of the hCG weight loss plan, you should feel highly energetic and happy. You’ll no longer be slave to the cravings and binging that were part of your life before hCG.

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